
Strategic Sourcing: A Guide to Getting Started

May 31, 2024
Corey Jackson
Strategic Sourcing

A Strategic Approach to Procurement

Strategic sourcing is a procurement strategy that involves the systematic and collaborative process of identifying, evaluating, negotiating, and managing suppliers to acquire goods and services in a way that best meets an organization’s business objectives. The goal of strategic sourcing is to optimize the overall value proposition, considering factors such as cost, quality, reliability, innovation, and sustainability.

Key components of strategic sourcing include:

  • Supplier Identification and Evaluation: Identifying potential suppliers and assessing their capabilities, financial stability, reputation, and other relevant factors.
  • Negotiation: Engaging in negotiations with suppliers to secure favorable terms, such as pricing, payment terms, delivery schedules, and other contractual conditions.
  • Risk Management: Assessing and managing potential risks associated with the supply chain, including geopolitical, economic, and operational risks.
  • Cost Management: Analyzing and optimizing costs throughout the supply chain to achieve cost savings without compromising quality or reliability.
  • Collaboration: Building strong, collaborative relationships with key suppliers to foster innovation, continuous improvement, and mutual benefit.
  • Technology Integration: Utilizing technology and data analytics to enhance decision-making, streamline processes, and improve overall efficiency in the sourcing process.

By taking a strategic sourcing approach, organizations aim to align their procurement activities with broader business goals, enhance competitiveness, and create long-term value in the supply chain. Strategic sourcing is particularly important in industries where the supply chain plays a critical role in delivering products or services to customers. The first step to building a strong supplier base starts with developing a solid sourcing strategy.

Strategic Sourcing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Your Strategy

Most successful procurement teams have a long-term sourcing strategy that outlines how the organization will establish and maintain an uninterrupted flow of required goods and services. Strategic sourcing lays the groundwork for securing the right suppliers and optimizing your procurement process. Such strategies also address how the organization will edge out competitors seeking the same goods and services.

Here are the steps you should follow when developing and implementing your sourcing strategy:

Step 1: Analyze Business Spend

When developing your sourcing strategy, start by analyzing the organization’s current and historical spend. What has been purchased? How often are purchases made? Who are the suppliers? How much has been spent?

Step 2: Understand Organizational Goals

Review and understand the goals and objectives of the organization. What are the growth expectations? How is procurement being measured? Are there Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards in place?

Step 3: Define What Needs to Be Purchased

Specify and catalog the goods, services, and resources the organization requires, considering both present and future needs. Understand any budget implications related to the purchasing needs. Outline any related needs or requirements (e.g., regulatory requirements). Consider logistical timelines and any factors that could impact total cost of ownership (TCO), such as transportation, storage, training, and maintenance.

Step 4: Research the Market

Analyze prices and other cost aspects such as labor and logistics. Study competitors. Identify any existing or potential disruptions in the market.

Step 5: Assess the Current Supplier Base

Analyze the existing supplier base. Evaluate each suppliers’ performance, assess the organization’s relationship with each supplier, review the spend per supplier, and assess the value each supplier brings to the organization. Is the current supplier base aligned with the organizational goals? Identify any concerns or gaps. Understand any contractual obligations.

Step 6: Analyze the Current Sourcing Strategy

Evaluate the success of the current sourcing strategy. Assess how well the current sourcing strategy aligns with the organizational goals both now and in the future. Identify any risks. How resilient is the current supply chain? Does the organization have the necessary resources? Does the organization have the necessary tools? Identify any concerns or gaps.

Step 7: Develop Your Sourcing Strategy

Create your sourcing strategy in alignment with the organization’s goals and requirements. Include a roadmap for implementing changes in the sourcing process. Specifically, your sourcing strategy should include:

  • Clear Objectives and Goals: Define precise objectives aligned with the overall organizational strategy. These could include cost reduction, quality enhancement, supplier diversification, risk mitigation, or innovation initiatives.
  • Detailed Needs Assessment: Catalog and articulate the goods, services, or resources required, considering both present demands and future growth projections. Include the specifications, quantities, quality standards, and delivery timelines needed.
  • Supplier Segmentation and Evaluation Criteria: Categorize suppliers based on their capabilities, performance, reliability, and alignment with your strategic objectives. Outline supplier requirements and any related criteria to support supplier assessment and selection.
  • Sourcing Methods and Strategies: Determine the optimal sourcing approach—whether it’s competitive sourcing, single sourcing, sole sourcing, strategic partnerships, or diversification. Craft strategies for each category of goods or services, outlining the sourcing methodology and the desired supplier relationship.
  • Risk Management Plan: Develop strategies to identify and mitigate risks associated with sourcing. This includes assessing supplier risk, geopolitical factors, market volatility, and contingency plans for supply chain disruptions.
  • Supplier Relationship Management: Define how relationships with suppliers will be managed, emphasizing collaboration, communication, performance reviews, and continuous improvement initiatives.
  • Performance Metrics and Measurement: Establish KPIs and metrics to evaluate the sourcing process’s effectiveness. Monitor supplier performance, cost savings, quality improvements, delivery timelines, and overall procurement efficiency.
  • Tools and Technology: Leverage specialized tools and technology to enhance sourcing efficiency and decision-making.
  • Resource Allocation and Training: Outline resource requirements, including talent and budget allocation, needed to execute the sourcing strategy effectively. Provide training for procurement teams to ensure alignment with the strategy.
  • Continuous Improvement and Review Mechanisms: Incorporate a framework for regular sourcing strategy reviews and refinements based on performance data and market changes. Ensure adaptability to evolving business needs and market dynamics.

Step 8: Identify Potential Suppliers

Identify potential new vendors, locally and globally. Understand their capabilities.

Step 9: Shortlist Aligned Suppliers

Evaluate and compare current and/or potential suppliers as per the Supplier Segmentation and Evaluation Criteria in your sourcing strategy. Create a shortlist of ideal suppliers.

Step 10: Select Optimal Suppliers

Select the suppliers that best align with your strategic objectives and the goals of the organization. Develop and nurture each supplier relationship.

Strategic Sourcing: An Evolving Process

Developing an effective sourcing strategy is an evolving process. It requires a comprehensive understanding of your organization’s needs, supplier relationships, and market dynamics. By systematically navigating these steps and continuously refining your approach, you pave the way for a robust and adaptive sourcing strategy that ensures sustained success.

Engaged in Complex Procurement?

Current SCM is a cloud-based software that streamlines the process of project-based procurement & materials management and drives collaboration among project stakeholders. The term “project” can be defined as a construction project or a manufacturing project, or it can simply represent the way a business organizes their procurement (e.g., by project, program, product, client, division, business unit, region).

Current SCM offers a unique platform to manage the end-to-end process of project-driven supply chain management, including support for the planning, procurement, and management of both materials and services. Current SCM includes a robust set of project-based toolsets, including Project Planning, Material Planning, Service Planning, Vendor Document Requirements Management, Requisition Management, Bid Management, Purchase Order Management, Service Order Management, Material & Document Tracking, Inspection Management, Vendor Invoice Matching, Project Inventory Management, Project Asset Management, and more!

And Current SCM excels in accommodating diverse project requirements with unrivaled flexibility & control, including project-specific User access & permissions, cost structures, business rules, approved vendors, workflows, terms, reports, and much, much more!

If you engage in any of Project Procurement, Technical Procurement, Direct Procurement, or Third Party Procurement, Current SCM will optimize your procurement & materials management workflow. If you engage in all four, Current SCM will revolutionize the way you do business.

Contact the team at Current SCM today to learn more!