
Expediting in Procurement: An Essential Guide

July 9, 2024
Corey Jackson
Expediting in Procurement: An Essential Guide | Current SCM

Imagine a smoothly running assembly line, a construction project on schedule, or life-saving medical equipment delivered on time. These achievements all rely heavily on a powerful procurement function: expediting.

In this guide, we’ll equip you with the fundamentals of expediting. We’ll outline potential challenges and share effective strategies to conquer them. We’ll explore best practices to optimize your expediting efforts, ultimately transforming your projects from potential chaos to controlled success. And we’ll peek into the future of expediting, where technology and collaboration take center stage.

What is Expediting?

Expediting is a critical function in procurement that ensures timely delivery of materials, services, and required documents, all while maintaining quality standards.

Expediting goes beyond simply pressuring vendors. It’s a proactive approach to monitoring and influencing suppliers to achieve on-time delivery. It fosters open communication and collaboration, ensuring potential delays are identified and addressed before they disrupt your projects.

The Expediting Process

Whether order expediting or document expediting, the expediting process generally follows a consistent framework, with adjustments based on specific requirements. Here’s a breakdown of the key stages:

1. Preparation

  • Identify Critical Items and Documents: Prioritize orders based on their impact on project timelines. Consider factors like lead times, material availability, and the consequences of delays for critical components or missing permits.
  • Gather Information: Understand the details of each order. This includes delivery dates, supplier contact information, and specific requirements for materials, services, and documents.
  • Establish Communication Channels: Define preferred communication methods (email, phone calls) with the supplier.

2. Proactive Monitoring

  • Review Lead Times: Regularly check if lead times are on track and address any discrepancies promptly to avoid delays.
  • Maintain Communication: Schedule regular check-ins with suppliers to discuss progress on materials, service delivery, and document submission. Discuss potential roadblocks and work collaboratively to find solutions.
  • Track Milestones: Monitor key stages of the order, identify potential delays early on, and take corrective actions as necessary.

3. Timely Intervention

  • Identify and Address Issues: Proactively work with suppliers to find solutions for delays. This may involve alternative sourcing, expediting specific materials, or adjusting schedules.
  • Escalate if Necessary: If delays persist, escalate the issue to higher management within the organization and the supplier’s company. This ensures a coordinated effort to resolve the issue.
  • Document Communication: Maintain clear records of all communication regarding expediting efforts. This includes emails, call logs, and meeting notes.

Who is Responsible for Expediting?

The responsibility for expediting varies across organizations, though there are a few common factors influencing responsibility:

  • Organizational Structure: Large organizations with dedicated procurement departments might have a team responsible for expediting, whereas smaller companies might integrate it into the core procurement function.
  • Order Complexity: Critical or high-value orders, or those with complex technical documents, might require dedicated expediting resources due to their potential impact on project timelines.
  • Supplier Relationships: Complex supplier relationships, geographically distant suppliers, or those with intricate approval processes for documents might necessitate dedicated expediting efforts.

Within an organization, the responsibility for expediting typically falls under one of the following:

  • Procurement Team: In smaller organizations, the procurement team might handle expediting tasks themselves. Buyers or procurement specialists monitor orders, communicate with suppliers, and resolve delays for materials, services, and documents.
  • Dedicated Expediters: Larger organizations might have dedicated expediters who specialize in proactively managing the expediting process for materials, services, and documents. These expediters work closely with the procurement team and suppliers to ensure on-time deliveries.
  • Third Party Expediting Services: Some companies outsource their expediting needs to specialized third party firms. These firms have expertise in expediting processes and can provide resources and manpower for larger or complex projects.

Regardless of who holds primary responsibility, successful expediting requires collaboration between different departments:

  • Project Management: Understands overall project timelines and communicates urgency of specific deliveries for materials, services, and documents.
  • Engineering: Provides insights into material and document requirements, as well as potential delays due to design changes.
  • Document Controls: Establishes procedures for reviewing and approving vendor documents before they are accepted, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • Procurement: Provides order details, communicates with suppliers, and coordinates expediting efforts for materials, services, and documents.

Why is Expediting Important?

Expediting is the cornerstone of efficient procurement, offering a range of benefits that streamline operations and safeguard project timelines. Here’s how:

  • On-Time Deliveries: Expediting ensures critical materials arrive precisely when needed, preventing costly production line stoppages or project delays. Imagine an automotive assembly line – expediting guarantees that crucial parts like microchips reach the line on schedule, keeping production running smoothly.
  • Minimized Delays and Reduced Costs: Delays can trigger a domino effect, pushing back deadlines and incurring significant additional expenses. Expediting proactively identifies potential roadblocks before they snowball into bigger problems, saving time and money.
  • Stronger Supplier Relationships: Effective expediting fosters open communication and collaboration with suppliers. Regular check-ins and joint problem-solving efforts build trust and solidify supplier relationships, leading to long-term benefits.
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility: By proactively monitoring progress and identifying potential bottlenecks, expediting sheds light on your supply chain’s inner workings. This improved visibility allows for better planning and proactive risk mitigation strategies.
  • Reduced Inventory Holding Costs: Timely deliveries facilitated by expediting minimize the need for holding excess inventory. This frees up valuable working capital and storage space for other purposes.
  • Improved Risk Management: Expediting’s proactive approach helps identify and address potential disruptions before they occur. This minimizes the impact of unforeseen events and safeguards project timelines from unexpected delays.

Industries that Rely on Expediting

While any industry that relies on timely deliveries can benefit from expediting, some sectors utilize it more heavily due to the nature of their work. Here are some prominent examples:

  • Project-Based Manufacturing: Aerospace, defense, and automotive industries often have tight project timelines with specific deadlines for component deliveries. Expediting ensures critical parts arrive on schedule, keeping production lines running smoothly.
  • Oil & Gas: Timely delivery of essential equipment, services, and permits is crucial for avoiding costly project delays in oil and gas exploration. Expediting in large scale projects helps minimize disruptions and ensures timely completion of drilling projects.
  • Construction: Construction projects have strict deadlines and rely on a constant flow of materials and permits. Expediting in construction helps address delays in material deliveries and permit approvals, preventing disruptions and keeping construction on track.
  • High-Tech: The fast-paced tech industry demands rapid innovation and product releases. Expediting ensures timely delivery of critical electronic components and technical documentation, keeping production cycles moving and new products on schedule.
  • Healthcare: Timely delivery of medical equipment, supplies, and regulatory approvals is vital for patient care. Expediting helps ensure hospitals and clinics receive essential equipment and documents on time, avoiding critical shortages and delays in treatment.
  • Shipbuilding: Building complex ships involves a multitude of components with specific delivery timelines and technical specifications. Expediting plays a crucial role in ensuring timely arrival of these components and documents, preventing delays in ship construction and launch schedules.

Expediting KPIs

The effectiveness of expediting in procurement is measured using a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics. Let’s explore both categories:

Quantitative Metrics:

  • On-Time Delivery (OTD): This is the most crucial expediting KPI, reflecting the percentage of orders delivered on or before the agreed-upon date. Improved OTD directly translates to the success of your expediting efforts.
  • Number of Expedited Orders: Tracks the overall volume of orders requiring expediting intervention. A high number might indicate underlying supply chain issues or a need for better planning.
  • Expediting Lead Time: Measures the average time it takes to resolve a delay through expediting efforts. A lower lead time signifies quicker issue resolution.
  • Cost of Expediting: Tracks the expenses associated with expediting activities, such as travel costs for field expediting or expediting software subscriptions.

Qualitative Metrics:

  • Supplier Responsiveness: Measures the timeliness and effectiveness of supplier communication during expediting efforts.
  • Strength of Supplier Relationships: Evaluates the overall health and trust between your organization and key suppliers.
  • Process Efficiency: Assesses the effectiveness of your expediting procedures and identifies areas for improvement.
  • Risk Mitigation: Evaluates the success of expediting in preventing major project delays or disruptions.

Expediting Challenges

While expediting offers significant benefits, navigating the process in procurement comes with its own set of hurdles. Here’s a breakdown of the key challenges you might encounter and strategies to address them:

Limited Visibility:

  • Challenge: Obtaining accurate and timely information from suppliers can be difficult. They might lack standardized reporting or hesitate to share detailed production data. This hinders effective progress monitoring and early delay identification.
  • Strategy: Establish clear communication protocols during contract negotiation. Explore supplier portals or data sharing platforms to improve transparency.

Inconsistent Communication:

  • Challenge: Communication breakdowns are common due to multiple contact points within supplier organizations, reliance on various communication channels (email, phone calls), and language barriers. This can lead to misunderstandings and delays.
  • Strategy: Designate a single point of contact within both your organization and the supplier’s. Utilize standardized communication templates and preferred channels (e.g., project management software) to ensure clarity and reduce misinterpretations.

Prioritization Overload:

  • Challenge: Buyers may overwhelm suppliers with expediting requests, making it difficult for them to prioritize truly critical items. This can strain relationships and reduce expediting effectiveness.
  • Strategy: Implement a clear prioritization system based on factors like lead time, material criticality, and project impact. Clearly communicate priorities to suppliers and explain the rationale behind them.

Resource Constraints:

  • Challenge: Expediting can be time-consuming, requiring dedicated personnel to monitor progress, communicate with suppliers, and document efforts. Procurement teams might not have the resources for a robust expediting program.
  • Strategy: Explore technology solutions like expediting software to automate tasks and streamline communication. Consider outsourcing expediting for complex projects or high-volume situations.

Strained Supplier Relationships:

  • Challenge: Overly aggressive expediting tactics can damage supplier relationships. Building trust and maintaining a collaborative approach is crucial, but pressure to expedite can lead to frustration and conflict.
  • Strategy: Foster open communication and focus on problem-solving with suppliers. Acknowledge their challenges and work together to find solutions. Regular communication and a collaborative approach will strengthen supplier relationships in the long run.

Data Overload:

  • Challenge: Managing a large volume of expediting requests and data can be overwhelming. Without proper systems in place, it’s difficult to track progress, analyze trends, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Strategy: Implement an expediting management system to track requests, communication, and resolutions. Utilize data analytics to identify trends in delays and supplier performance. This will allow for continuous improvement of your expediting processes.

Expediting Best Practices

Expediting success hinges on clear communication, strong supplier relationships, and well-defined processes. Here are key best practices to consider:

Communication is Paramount:

  • Respectful and Professional: Maintain a positive and collaborative tone throughout your interactions with suppliers.
  • Solution-Oriented: Focus on working together with the supplier to find mutually beneficial solutions for delays.
  • Timely and Clear: Clearly communicate your concerns and desired outcomes in a timely manner. This avoids misunderstandings and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Building Strong Supplier Relationships:

  • Invest in Rapport: Develop trust and rapport with key suppliers. This fosters a more collaborative environment and smoother expediting processes.
  • Transparency and Open Communication: Be transparent with your needs and expectations. Open communication builds trust and strengthens supplier relationships.

Leveraging Technology for Efficiency:

  • Expediting Software: Utilize expediting software to streamline communication with suppliers, track progress on orders (materials, services, documents), and automate tasks. This frees up valuable time for more strategic activities.
  • Data Analytics: Analyze expediting data to identify trends in delays and supplier performance. This allows for proactive risk mitigation and continuous improvement of your expediting processes.

Standardization for Consistency:

  • Documented Procedures: Establish a clear and documented expediting process within your organization. This ensures consistency and reduces confusion for both internal teams and suppliers.
  • Prioritization Framework: Implement a clear prioritization system for expediting requests. This helps suppliers effectively manage your requests based on factors like lead time, material criticality, and project impact.

Key Considerations by Expediting Type:

  • Materials: Focus on tracking production progress, potential supply chain disruptions, and ensuring on-time deliveries. Maintain open communication with suppliers and leverage technology to monitor inventory levels and potential delays.
  • Services: Monitor service provider performance against agreed-upon timelines and quality standards. Address any concerns promptly and collaboratively.
  • Vendor Documents: Track internal approvals, communicate effectively with external entities for permits or certificates, and ensure completeness and accuracy of documents. Utilize technology to streamline document management and approval workflows.

The Future of Expediting

The future of expediting in procurement is brimming with exciting possibilities fueled by technological advancements and a growing focus on collaboration and risk mitigation. Here are some key trends to watch:

  • Rise of Automation and AI: Tasks like data analysis and communication can be automated using artificial intelligence (AI). This frees up procurement professionals to focus on strategic expediting activities like supplier relationship management, exception handling, and crafting targeted intervention plans.
  • Real-Time Visibility: Advancements in data sharing and integration will allow for real-time visibility into supplier production processes. Cloud-based platforms and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors can provide continuous data streams on material availability, service delivery status, and document completion progress. This enables proactive identification and mitigation of potential delays for materials, services, and documents.
  • Predictive Analytics: By leveraging historical data and machine learning, procurement teams can leverage predictive analytics to anticipate potential delays before they occur. This allows for preventive measures like buffer inventory adjustments or alternative sourcing strategies, leading to more targeted and efficient expediting efforts.
  • Collaborative Expediting Platforms: Cloud-based platforms can revolutionize communication and collaboration between procurement teams and suppliers. These platforms can streamline information sharing, track progress, and manage expediting workflows more efficiently. This fosters transparency, builds trust, and streamlines the entire expediting process.
  • Focus on Risk Management: As supply chains become increasingly complex and global, proactive risk mitigation is paramount. Expediting will likely evolve to be more integrated with broader supply chain risk management strategies. This might involve considering factors like geographic diversification of suppliers, dual sourcing for critical materials, and incorporating sustainability practices into expediting decisions.
  • Sustainability Considerations: Sustainability will undoubtedly become a bigger factor in expediting decisions. Expediting efforts may prioritize suppliers with environmentally friendly practices or those located closer to reduce transportation emissions. Additionally, expediting software solutions might be designed to optimize delivery routes and minimize environmental impact.

Overall, expediting is moving away from a reactive firefighting approach towards a more proactive and collaborative strategy. Technology will play a key role in streamlining processes, providing real-time data, and enabling better decision-making. The focus will shift towards risk mitigation, supplier collaboration, and ensuring a sustainable supply chain.

The Power of Proactive Procurement

Expediting is no longer just a tool for chasing down late deliveries; it’s the cornerstone of efficient procurement, ensuring a smooth flow of materials, services, and documents that keeps your projects on track. By embracing expediting’s full potential and harnessing the power of technology and collaboration, you can transform your procurement function into a strategic advantage, ensuring a smooth-running operation and delivering projects on time, every time.

Engaged in Complex Procurement?

Current SCM is a cloud-based software that streamlines the process of project-based procurement & materials management and drives collaboration among project stakeholders. The term “project” can be defined as a construction project or a manufacturing project, or it can simply represent the way a business organizes their procurement (e.g., by project, program, product, client, division, business unit, region).

Current SCM offers a unique platform to manage the end-to-end process of project-driven supply chain management, including support for the planning, procurement, and management of both materials and services. Current SCM includes a robust set of project-based toolsets, including Project Planning, Material Planning, Service Planning, Vendor Document Requirements Management, Requisition Management, Bid Management, Purchase Order Management, Service Order Management, Material & Document Tracking, Inspection Management, Vendor Invoice Matching, Project Inventory Management, Project Asset Management, and more!

And Current SCM excels in accommodating diverse project requirements with unrivaled flexibility & control, including project-specific User access & permissions, cost structures, business rules, approved vendors, workflows, terms, reports, and much, much more!

If you engage in any of Project Procurement, Technical Procurement, Direct Procurement, or Third Party Procurement, Current SCM will optimize your procurement & materials management workflow. If you engage in all four, Current SCM will revolutionize the way you do business.

Contact the team at Current SCM today to learn more!