Project Management Procurement Software

Purpose-Built for Project Procurement & Materials Management

Project Visibility from Inception to Completion

Ensure real-time supply chain visibility into your projects within a cloud-based platform acting as the single source of truth for your entire procurement & materials management process.

Real-Time Project-Specific Procurement Data

Enable informed decisions with real-time project-specific data, including project budget reports, project inventory availability, material status updates, non-conformance reports, and much more!

Ensure the Right Materials Ship to the Right Location

Current SCM enables allocation-based releases. By releasing materials based on allocations you are tying your inventory
requirements to its end use location.

Cloud-Based Project Management Procurement Software

Real-Time Supply Chain Visibility for Project Management Professionals

Ensure real-time supply chain visibility for each of your projects within an accessible cloud-based platform acting as the single source of truth for your entire procurement & materials management process.

Current SCM makes it easy to organize and visualize your project-specific supply chain data. Offering a wealth of project tracking tools and real-time project-centric analytics, Current SCM ensures project visibility and spend transparency at all times. Whether looking for high-level updates or detailed breakdowns, Current SCM’s powerful reporting engine allows users to develop a library of highly customized reports to meet specific project needs.

Procurement management in project management: project dashboard | Current SCM

Unrivaled Project-Centric Flexibility

Every project is unique. Project management requires flexibility, which is precisely what Current SCM provides. Current SCM excels in accommodating diverse project requirements with unrivaled project-centric customization options, including project-specific milestones, cost structures, tax structures, currencies, payment terms, contract terms, document numbering rules, approved vendors, IncoTerms, business rules, workflows, release order terms, reports, and much more.

Current SCM provides a flexible, fit-for-purpose solution to ensure your projects are on schedule and on budget.

Project Management Procurement Key Features

Start Planning Even with Only Preliminary Project Information

Still waiting on missing information before initiating your supply chain planning? Not anymore. With Current SCM you can easily scaffold procurement plans with only preliminary information.

  • Standardize the Project Team
  • Set up the default cost codes, sourcing strategy, bid type, order type, and fulfillment strategy
  • Standardize or customize identifiers, titles, and descriptions
  • Quickly draft the chain of orderables for a purchase
  • Create Requisitions with as little as a Name and Identifier number
  • Add or edit information as it becomes available.

Once scaffolded, dates can be attributed to form your project plan.

Procurement management in project management: project scaffold | Current SCM

Proactive Material Management

The cumulative project BOM, while not required, can create a vital point of control. By defining the complete purchase requirements for the project (which can be modified over the lifecycle of the project), the supply chain team can easily track shortages or overages and proactively address deviations.

Procurement management in project management: cumulative project BOM (Bill of Materials) | Current SCM

Cost Reduction Through Robust Bid Evaluation & Analysis

Current SCM ensures a clear path to the most competitive Offer:

  • Customizable Bid evaluation templates
  • Automatic Bid spreads
  • Bid Comparison Grid with Offer normalization to ensure apple-to-apple comparison
  • Compare Offers side-by-side (e.g., pricing, lead times, IncoTerms, payment terms)
  • Compare Offers on a price per unit basis (e.g., if a transformer’s capacity is measured in kVA, the application can report the cost in terms of kVA)
  • Compare Offers to historical Offers within a defined period (e.g., average Offer price)
  • Compare Offers to historical Orders within a defined period (e.g., last price paid)
Procurement management in project management: bid comparison grid | Current SCM

Real-Time Project-Specific Reports

Current SCM offers a project-specific dashboard outlining critical KPIs and a wide array of customizable, real-time project-specific reports, including:

  • Project Completion Report
  • Project Dates Report
  • Project Budget Report
  • Project Cost by Code Report
  • Project Cost by Diversity Type
  • Project Financial Summary Report
  • Project Inventory Valuation Report
  • Project Invoice Aging Report
  • Project Cumulative BOM
  • Project Over Under
  • Project Document Requirements Report
  • Project Outstanding Document Submissions
  • Project Group Approval Summary Report
  • Project Stale Transactions Report
  • Project Tasks Report
Procurement management in project management: project dashboard | Current SCM

Project Management Procurement Highlights

  • Segregated Project Access
  • Project-Specific Roles & Permissions
  • Supports Multiple Paying Organizations
  • Project-Specific Cost Structures
  • Project-Specific Tax Structures
  • Supports Multiple-Currencies Within a Single Project
  • Project-Specific Payment Terms
  • Project-Specific Contract Templates
  • Project-Specific Specs & Standard Drawings
  • Project-Specific Document Numbering Rules
  • Project-Specific Milestone Dates
  • Project-Specific Business Rules
  • Project-Specific Workflows
  • Group Approvals
  • Project Scaffold
  • Cumulative Project BOM
  • Project-Specific Approved Vendors
  • Project-Specific Bid Evaluations
  • Project-Specific Vendor Evaluations
  • Project-Specific IncoTerms
  • Project-Specific Release Order Terms
  • Project-Specific Service Release Terms
  • Project-Specific Receiving Report Terms
  • Integrated Vendor Document Requirements (VDR)
  • Integrated Materials Management
  • Real-Time Line-Level Order Status Updates
  • Material & Document Expediting
  • Supplier Non-Conformance Reporting (NCR)
  • Real-Time Project-Specific Reports
  • Project Budget Management
  • Project Budget Tracking
  • Vendor Invoice Matching
  • Cross-Project Inventory Visibility & Transfers
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