
Strategic vs Tactical Sourcing: Understanding the Difference

April 23, 2024
Corey Jackson
Tactical vs Strategic Sourcing

Sourcing is a critical facet of procurement that can influence an organization’s competitiveness and bottom line. Strategic vs tactical sourcing is a key consideration when purchasing – two different sourcing approaches, each with their own merit. Choosing the ideal sourcing strategy depends on the goals of the organization. In this post, we’ll explore and compare the two methods to better understand their nuances and applicability.

Strategic Sourcing: The Art of Long-Term Planning

Strategic sourcing in procurement is all about the bigger picture. It’s a comprehensive, proactive approach that involves meticulous planning and consideration for future needs. Think of it as a carefully crafted roadmap guiding procurement decisions.

Beyond the initial purchase price, strategic sourcing will also consider the total cost of ownership (TCO). TCO is the purchase price of an asset plus the cost of operation over its life. TCO factors in costs related to transportation, storage, training, and maintenance. Strategic sourcing takes time. It involves detailed supplier evaluations, considering factors like quality, innovation, sustainability, diversity, and the long-term impact on the organization.

While strategic sourcing requires a greater investment of time and resources than tactical sourcing, it can yield significant long-term benefits.

Strategic Sourcing Examples

1. Global Supplier Diversification

  • Objective: To reduce supply chain risks and enhance competitiveness.
  • Approach: Conducting a comprehensive analysis of suppliers worldwide, strategically diversifying the supplier base, and establishing long-term relationships with key global partners. This involves considering factors such as geopolitical stability, currency fluctuations, and logistics capabilities.

2. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Analysis

  • Objective: To optimize costs over the entire product lifecycle.
  • Approach: Conducting a TCO analysis that goes beyond the initial purchase price. This involves considering factors such as maintenance, transportation, and disposal costs. By understanding the total cost implications, the organization can make more informed decisions on supplier selection and product specifications.

3. Strategic Partnership for Innovation

  • Objective: To foster innovation and gain a competitive advantage.
  • Approach: Developing strategic partnerships with key suppliers to collaborate on research and development, innovation, and process improvement. This involves jointly investing in technology, sharing intellectual property, and working closely to bring new, cutting-edge products or solutions to market.

Tactical Sourcing: Quick Solutions for Immediate Needs

Tactical sourcing in procurement is akin to a quick fix – it’s about addressing immediate needs efficiently. It involves rapid decision-making, often focusing on short-term requirements. Picture a scenario where a sudden need arises for office supplies, and the quickest solution is to buy from the nearest supplier without extensive planning.

This approach prioritizes speed and immediacy. It’s about seizing opportunities as they come, making rapid purchases based on availability, price, and urgency. Tactical sourcing suits situations that demand a swift response, catering to immediate requirements without intricate long-term planning.

Tactical sourcing is useful in situations where there is little time for planning and analysis. However, it may overlook opportunities for long-term cost savings and increased value.

Tactical Sourcing Examples

1. Spot Buying for Cost Savings

  • Objective: To take advantage of immediate cost-saving opportunities.
  • Approach: Identifying short-term market fluctuations or one-time opportunities and engaging in spot buying. This might involve purchasing a specific quantity of goods or services at a lower price from a different supplier or through alternative channels for a limited period.

2. Negotiating Quick Payment Discounts

  • Objective: To secure immediate discounts and improve cash flow.
  • Approach: Negotiating with suppliers for discounts in exchange for early or prompt payment. This tactical move helps the organization reduce costs and improve working capital efficiency by taking advantage of suppliers’ interest in receiving quicker payments.

3. Supplier Consolidation for Efficiency

  • Objective: To streamline procurement processes and achieve operational efficiency.
  • Approach: Consolidating purchases with a reduced number of suppliers to simplify order processing, minimize administrative overhead, and negotiate better terms through increased volume. This tactical approach optimizes efficiency without compromising the strategic diversity of the supplier base.

Strategic vs Tactical Sourcing: 3 Key Differences

To explain further, here are three key differences between tactical and strategic sourcing:

1. Time-Horizon

Tactical sourcing prioritizes immediate needs, while strategic sourcing takes a more holistic, future-oriented view.

2. Decision-Making Approach

Tactical sourcing emphasizes speed and agility, while strategic sourcing focuses on thorough analysis and long-term planning. Tactical sourcing is a reactive and transaction-focused approach focused on meeting immediate needs. Strategic sourcing is a proactive and comprehensive strategy that considers an organization’s current and future needs.

3. Supplier Relations

Tactical sourcing might involve limited supplier interaction, while strategic sourcing aims for deep, collaborative partnerships with suppliers. Tactical sourcing typically involves less collaboration, and suppliers are often selected based on price and availability. Strategic sourcing emphasizes building strong supplier relationships and collaborating to achieve common goals

Comparison Chart

To summarize the differences between tactical vs strategic sourcing, let’s refer to the following comparison chart:

Strategic Sourcing Tactical Sourcing
Long-term sourcing solution Short-term sourcing fix
Initiates a proactive stance Follows a reactive trend
Mitigates long-term supply chain risks Focuses on the immediate needs
Nurtures sustained relations with sourcing partners and suppliers Minimal communication with suppliers
Requires skilled personnel and capital investment for tools and platforms to analyze spends, suppliers, and supplier relationships Does not require significant capital investment to build or develop tools and skillsets

Choosing The Right Approach

Selecting between strategic vs tactical sourcing depends on an organization’s priorities and needs.

Small organizations and start-ups tend to generally adopt a tactical approach to sourcing. They buy goods as and when they need them. These purchasing decisions are determined by pricing and availability.

Larger organizations typically choose a strategic approach to sourcing. While cost is certainly a consideration, they consider sustainability aspects, diversity goals, and supplier strengths amongst other factors.

Strategic and tactical sourcing represent two distinct philosophies in procurement. Tactical sourcing suits quick, immediate needs, while strategic sourcing paves the way for long-term success by making deliberate, informed decisions. Understanding when to employ each approach is key to maximizing the efficiency and success of an organization’s procurement strategies.

Engaged in Complex Procurement?

Current SCM is a cloud-based software that streamlines the process of project-based procurement & materials management and drives collaboration among project stakeholders. The term “project” can be defined as a construction project or a manufacturing project, or it can simply represent the way a business organizes their procurement (e.g., by project, program, product, client, division, business unit, region).

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