Procurement Software Built By Procurement Professionals

Purpose-Built for Complex Procurement & Materials Management

Collaborative Multi-User Interface

Multiple users can collaborate on the same Requisition, Bid or Order at the same time. No more waiting for spreadsheets to be closed or wondering if you’re using the latest version.

Real-Time Order Line-Level Status Updates

The system is designed for live tracking. Leverage real-time overall Order status updates and real-time line-level Order status updates. No more waiting for reports or stale information.

Customize Reports to Track Your Procurement KPIs

Use our intuitive Drag & Drop Report Designer to create custom reports to track the procurement KPIs that matter most to your business. Create and share custom reports with your team.

Cloud-Based, Project-Driven Procurement Software

Built by Procurement Professionals for Procurement Professionals

With Materials Management and Vendor Document Requirements (VDR) uniquely integrated into the Order, Current SCM streamlines the process of complex procurement. A unified, collaborative platform, Current SCM provides complete and flexible workflow support for the entire process, including project-driven tools for material requirements planning, supplier relationship management, requisition management, bid management, order management, materials management, material & document tracking, quality management, vendor invoice matching, inventory management, and asset management.

Project-Based Supply Chain Management Software - Project Dashboards & Reports | Current SCM

Unrivalled Customization & Flexibility

Built with a Procurement-first mindset, Current SCM offers tremendous customization capabilities, highly configurable workflows, and the ability to start the purchasing process with only preliminary information and at either the Requisition, Bid, or Order stage, Current SCM offers unrivalled flexibility to integrate into your procurement & materials management processes. And its intuitive, user-friendly interface allows for quick user adoption and scale.

A Specialized Tool for Complex Procurement

Current SCM was purpose-built to support the most complex procurement projects. If you engage in any of Project Procurement, Technical Procurement, Direct Procurement, or Third Party Procurement, Current SCM will optimize your procurement & materials management workflow. If you engage in all four, Current SCM will revolutionize the way you do business.

Procurement Software Key Features

Start Planning Even with Only Preliminary Information

Still waiting on missing information before initiating your procurement planning? Not anymore. With Current SCM you can easily scaffold procurement plans with only preliminary information.

  • Standardize the Project Team
  • Set up the default cost codes, sourcing strategy, bid type, order type, and fulfillment strategy
  • Standardize or customize identifiers, titles, and descriptions
  • Quickly draft the chain of orderables for a purchase
  • Add or edit information as it becomes available.

Once scaffolded, dates can be attributed to form your project plan.

Project Management Procurement Software - Project Planning | Current SCM

Start the Procurement Process at Any Stage

Unlike traditional ERPs that rigidly enforce a linear process of Requisition -> Bid -> Order, Current SCM allows you to begin the process at either the Requisition, Bid or Order stage.

Create Requisitions, Bids, or Orders with as little as a Name and Identifier number. Add or edit information as it becomes available.

Purchase Order Management Software - Create New Order | Current SCM

Quick-Start Orderable Creation

Current SCM supports the efficient creation of Requisitions, Bids, and Orders, including:

  • Building new Requisitions from design data or from scratch
  • Building new Requisitions by the full or partial cloning of previous Requisitions
  • Building new Requisitions from previous or in-progress Bids or Orders
  • Converting a Requisition into a Bid
  • Grouping multiple Requisitions into a single Bid
  • Building new Bids from design data or from scratch
  • Building new Bids by the full or partial cloning of previous Bids
  • Building new Bids from previous or in-progress Requisitions or Orders
  • Converting an Offer into an Order
  • Grouping multiple Offers into a single Order
  • Building new Orders from design data or from scratch
  • Building new Orders by the full or partial cloning of previous Orders
  • Building new Orders from previous or in-progress Requisitions or Bids
Procurement Software - Quick-Start Creation | Current SCM

Integrated Vendor Document Requirements & Expediting

With Vendor Document Requirements integrated into the Purchase Order, Current SCM streamlines the creation, standardization, communication, submission tracking, and expediting of required vendor documents.

Define specific vendor document requirements, including the document type, authentication requirements, submission format, and dynamic due date (e.g., document required ten days before shipment). Define vendor document requirements at the Purchase Order or Purchase Order item level.

Engineering Procurement Software - Vendor Document Requirements Management | Current SCM

Integrated Materials Management & Expediting

With Materials Management integrated into the Purchase Order, Current SCM provides a seamless platform to purchase and manage your materials. Current SCM provides complete and flexible workflow support to efficiently manage material through planning, purchasing, tracking, expediting, allocating, release planning, inspecting, and receiving.

Whether your fulfillment strategy is to procure, draw from existing inventory, or a mixture of both, Current SCM can help. Leverage real-time inventory reporting by project, business, or location to ensure you are optimizing inventory and purchasing only what you require. And when procurement is required, leverage powerful line-level Order status updates to monitor delivery schedules, manage key milestones, and proactively identify any material delays or shortages.

Construction Material Management Software - Material Release Planning | Current SCM

Powerful Reporting Engine Offers Unparalleled Procurement Insights

One of the things Procurement Professionals love most about Current SCM is its powerful procurement-centric reporting capabilities. Current SCM offers a wide array of procurement & materials management reports at the Team, Client or Project-level, including reports for Historical Price Data, Cumulative BOM, Requisition Item Details, Requisition Summaries, Bid Item Details, Bid Summaries, Order Item Details, Order Summaries, Over Under, Items in Transit, Order Expediting, Document Expediting, Release Planning, Service Management, Planned Spend, Committed Spend, Invoiced Spend, Cashflow Detail, Cashflow Summaries, and much more!

Quite simply, if it’s in the system, it can be reported on.

Project-Based Supply Chain Management Software - Project Dashboards & Reports | Current SCM

Procurement Software Highlights

  • Cloud-Based, Project-Driven Procurement Software
  • Integrated Materials Management
  • Integrated Vendor Document Requirements (VDR)
  • Supplier Relationship Management
  • Cumulative Project BOM (Bill of Materials)
  • Configurable Contract Templates
  • Automated Approval Workflows
  • Group Approvals
  • Flexible Document Numbering
  • Simultaneous Multi-User Collaboration
  • Requisition Management
  • Bid Management
  • Multi-Vendor Bid Comparison Grid
  • Order Management
  • Line-Level Specifications and Standard Drawings
  • Line-Level Inspection Requirements
  • Line-Level ‘Required By’ Dates
  • Line-Level Tags / Component Identifiers
  • Line-Level Cost Account Coding
  • Line-Level Notes
  • Line-Level File Attachments
  • Line-Level Tasks
  • Allows for Multiple Paying Organizations
  • Material & Document Expediting
  • Milestone-Driven Expediting
  • Quality Management
  • Vendor Invoice Matching
  • Inventory Management
  • Asset Management
  • Procurement KPI Dashboards
  • Dynamic Reports
  • Customizable Reports
  • Client-Specific Reports
  • Project-Specific Reports
  • Real-Time Status Updates
  • Real-Time Line-Level Status Updates
  • Invoicing Dashboard
  • Line-Level Invoicing
  • Vendor Invoice Matching
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