
Offer Price Comparison & Historical Purchasing Data

July 27, 2023
Robert Marney
Offer Price Comparison | Current SCM software screenshot

The Data You Need to Make Informed Procurement Decisions

We are excited to announce we recently launched two new feature sets into Current SCM. Both leverage the wealth of historical purchasing data generated by executing your procurement processes: Offer Price Comparison and Historical Price Data, to help businesses make more informed decisions about their future purchases.

Offer Price Comparison

The Offer Price Comparison feature allows users to compare the proposed pricing from vendors against historical purchase and bid data within Current SCM. The system will automatically append historical price data to the vendor’s proposed price for each item in the bid. This data includes the low, median, and maximum price for all bids and orders within a defined period.

Price Comparison
Offer Price Comparison allow easy comparison vs Historical Bids

This feature is a valuable tool for businesses that want to make sure they are getting the best possible price for their purchases. By comparing the vendor’s proposed price to historical data, businesses can quickly identify any potential overpayments or high value offers.

Historical Purchasing Data

Summary Data

The Summary Price Data feature will provide an exportable listing of all items bid or purchased within a specified time frame with the low, median, and max price for all bids along with the same metrics for all orders. The data set can be exported to Excel and can kick off your real world estimating library.

Summary Price Data

Details By Offer

This feature allows the user to search the Catalog (using the same human-language search of our main Catalog Search function) and then list all offers towards the items within a specified time period and currency.

Offer Search

Details by Order

Like Details by Offer, this feature instead searches previous (or ongoing) purchases instead of bids.

How To Use This Data To Make More Informed Decisions

Buyers can utilize historical data about previous bids and purchases to make more informed decisions in a number of ways. For example, they can use this data to:

  • Identifying trends in prices: By looking at how prices have changed over time, businesses can get a better sense of what a fair price is for a particular item. This can help them avoid overpaying or underpaying and tightening up cost estimates.
  • Identifying the best time to buy: Businesses can use historical data to identify when prices are typically at their lowest or highest. This can help them time their purchases to get the best possible deal.
  • Comparing prices from different vendors: By looking at historical data, businesses can compare prices from different sellers across multiple offers. This can help them find the best possible price for a particular item for their next bids or current negotiation.
  • Identifying the best vendors: By looking at historical data, businesses can identify which vendors have a history of selling items at a fair price. This can also help them avoid sellers who are known to be consistently more expensive.
  • Identifying items that are likely to appreciate: By looking at historical data, businesses can identify items that have a history of increasing in value over time. This can help them make decisions on which items might become more costly if the purchase is deferred.

Engaged in Complex Procurement?

Current SCM is a cloud-based software that streamlines the process of project-based procurement & materials management and drives collaboration among project stakeholders. The term “project” can be defined as a construction project or a manufacturing project, or it can simply represent the way a business organizes their procurement (e.g., by project, program, product, client, division, business unit, region).

Current SCM offers a unique platform to manage the end-to-end process of project-driven supply chain management, including support for the planning, procurement, and management of both materials and services. Current SCM includes a robust set of project-based toolsets, including Project Planning, Material Planning, Service Planning, Vendor Document Requirements Management, Requisition Management, Bid Management, Purchase Order Management, Service Order Management, Material & Document Tracking, Inspection Management, Vendor Invoice Matching, Project Inventory Management, Project Asset Management, and more!

And Current SCM excels in accommodating diverse project requirements with unrivaled flexibility & control, including project-specific User access & permissions, cost structures, business rules, approved vendors, workflows, terms, reports, and much, much more!

If you engage in any of Project Procurement, Technical Procurement, Direct Procurement, or Third Party Procurement, Current SCM will optimize your procurement & materials management workflow. If you engage in all four, Current SCM will revolutionize the way you do business.

Contact the team at Current SCM today to learn more!